Creative Ways to Reduce Clutter in Your Home

Creative Ways to Reduce Clutter in Your Home

Clothes, bills, paperwork, homewares. They all pile up when we least expect it...or at least that’s what we’d like to believe rather than knowing we let them pile up.

"One day you turn around and the few items you put aside to deal with later have become a heaped mound that’s almost too terrifying to approach. We've all been here."


But have no fear! These creative decluttering techniques could be the saviour your home has been looking for.  

Designate a clutter-free zone

Clear one area into a clutter-free zone. A bench, a table, a place in the corner. Whatever you choose, stick to the rule that nothing in that zone is allowed to be clutter. A no-dumping ground, if you will. Try and keep it that way, and then expand that zone out as much as you can.

Fill a garbage bag

You can fill it with garbage if that’s what your clutter consists of. Or you can fill it with items to donate to charity. This technique can be an excellent opportunity to declutter and give to those who may need some of your household items more than you. Depending on how much clutter you have to rid your home of, commit to trying this once a month.

The wardrobe hanger test

Achieving this requires a bit of dedication. Ensure all your coathangers are facing the reverse direction. Every time you wear something and return it, face the coathanger the correct way. In a few months you will be able to identify the clothes you regularly wear clearly, and those you should consider tossing out.  

Make a 30-day waitlist

We can declutter all we like, but if we keep buying, it keeps building. Create a list. When you see something you want, but don’t necessarily need, add it to the list. Try not to buy any of these non-necessities on your list for 30 days. You’ll be surprised how many items you lose the desire to buy, saving you money and space in your home.  

Decluttering not only helps organise the home, but also the mind. Take the time to work through your home slowly. You don’t have to do it all in one shot, or even in one day. Setting small goals to work towards will help you achieve your most clutter-free home yet. Good luck!